Law of Attraction and the Missing Piece


Isn't the concept that you can do, be, or have anything you want exhilarating? If you believe in the Law of Attraction and that you are the creator of your own reality, are you creating what you want? Are you manifesting and living the life of your dreams, or there's a piece missing for you?

You don't have to be a Quantum Physicist to understand and get the benefits of the Law of Attraction. This powerful law can be defined in simple terms such as mirror or boomerang, meaning whatever you send out with your own energy, you receive the exact reflection of it back.
If you understand that the Law of Attraction simply responds to whatever you offer with your own vibration, it should be simple, there shouldn't be any piece missing. You just feel/be that which you want, and you will draw it to you. It seems easy and simple when put that way, yet it's easier said than done.
You see, with the Law of Attraction, you have to wear the energy of what you want first in order to attract it. The question is; are you being/feeling that which you want to draw into your life, or are you trying to manifest from a place of need? If the answer is the later, you're missing a piece from your manifesting puzzle.
Besides limiting beliefs that may be preventing you from attracting what you want, when need is dominant in your vibration, what do you think you are getting the equivalent of? You guessed; more need!
Does that suggest not needing what you desire? The answer is yes. There's a difference between wanting something and feeling good about it so that you can ALLOW it into your life fully, and needing something in order to feel good. Well, you can't get there from there! You have to match your own vibrational frequency with the energy of your desire.
It's amazing how when you learn to master your own energy you can draw to you whatever you desire. In the same way you've been practicing the vibration of need, with a little bit of deliberate intent you can start practicing the energy of HAVING what you want. One thing to remember though is to do this when you are feeling good. For instance, if you want to attract more financial abundance to you, in your happy moments, take a few to five minutes to play with the vibrational essence of abundance. Imagine a n d FEEL what being financially abundant would look like for you. Do this exercise from a place of fun, not need and watch what unfolds. You'll make the missing piece not missing anymore!

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