12 Tips For Overcoming Anxiety


Anxiety in various forms and degrees seems to be a wide-spread problem, affecting people of all ages and in every country.

If you are prone to anxiety, you have two options:
A) Give in, and live with it.
B) Learn to overcome it.

By giving in, you will continue to suffer and feel unhappy, stressed and anxious. It is far better to learn to overcome anxiety, or at least weaken its grip over you.

Anxiety wastes your time and energy and weakens you, both mentally and physically. You help no one, and solve no problem by being anxious. Our planet will go on revolving, even if you stop worrying and being anxious.

There is no reason to give in to anxiety. You always have a choice - to try to overcome anxiety, at least partially.

12 Tips for Overcoming Anxiety

1. Lack of control over your thoughts, strengthens your anxiety. As negative thoughts get stronger, your anxiety gets stronger too. You need to learn to control your thoughts.

2. Feelings and emotions fuel and strengthen anxiety. You need to develop some self discipline, and learn to have control over your feelings. You also need to develop some degree of emotional detachment.

3. When you go to bed at night, and first thing when you wake up in the morning, think about the good things that are happening to you. There are always some good things happening, even if small and insignificant.

4. Start the day with several minutes of positive affirmations. Tell yourself how would like your day to be. Use positive, cheering and motivating words.

5. Be busy and do something, since activity keeps your mind off your anxiety.

When you wake up in the morning, start doing something right away, and keep busy all day. Cleaning the house, washing the dishes or working in your garden, reading, studying, meditating, or exercising your body, can help you keep your mind away from anxiety. Staying idle, and thinking about your problems and worries won't make them go away.

6. Set a goal and work everyday to achieve it. This action will direct your thoughts and feelings away from worries and anxieties, toward something more positive and constructive.

7. Talk about your anxieties to someone you trust. Talking about your anxieties and feelings can alleviate them, and put them in the right proportions, provided you talk objectively, and with a real desire to get rid of your anxiety, or at least reduce its intensity.

8. Exercising your body and staying fit, is a good way to keep fears and anxieties away. You can walk, swim, do yoga, aerobics, or any other sport.

9. Find reasons to laugh. This will bring light and happiness into your life, and drive anxiety away. Watch comedies on TV, be with happy and amusing friends, or read something that makes you laugh.

10. Use positive words in your conversation and in your inner talk.

11. Affirm and visualize positive situations and events. Visualize a happy and positive solution to your problems.

12. If watching the news fills you with anxiety - turn off the TV! Limit the time you watch the news, and don't watch anything that might upset you, before you go to bed.

Overcoming anxiety might be easier in some cases, and more difficult in others. In milder cases, the advice given here would probably help, but in other cases, you might need professinal help for overcoming anxiety.


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