Improve Energy to Improve Self Discipline - 9 Ways to Increase Energy


Most people want more self discipline. But the real issue for most people is actually energy. Higher energy leads to higher self discipline.
Self discipline leads to satisfaction, accomplishment and success so there are good reasons to focus on it.

So what are some of the ways to increase energy levels?
1 - The biggest problem with low energy is the time wasting activities that can go along with it. Things like watching TV, video games, idle surfing etc. These activities take little energy but they can take valuable time from the sleep that would help rejuvenate and energize. So just sleep rather than waste time.
2 - Health is tied to energy levels. The obvious path to health is eating well and exercising properly. We all know how to live healthy - but sometimes we do not. Again, this can be tied to the energy cycle. With no ambition, we take the easy path and rather than prepare healthy food, we eat easy fast "bad" food. So just break the cycle.
3 - Eat. Yes, low energy can be tied to low blood sugar levels. Eat a healthy snack to improve energy.
4 - Take a break. A 5-10 minute walk is a perfect break. We tend to lose our productive focus if we take no breaks. A break can actually improve productivity, energy and focus.
5 - Breathe. A few deep breaths can increase energy in less than a minute.
6 - Practise good posture. Simply sitting up straight can increase energy.
7 - Meditation can be a great way to increase energy. Of course if you are too tired, it might lead to sleep (which might also be a good thing). Meditation may seem like a waste of time but the increase in energy can pay dividends that more than make up the time.
8 - Just move. This can be a bit like a break. Simply standing, walking 20 steps, stretching, doing some exercises all increase energy.
9 - Sleep. We need adequate sleep to have energy. The statistics on the percentage of the population that is sleep deprived is staggering. And sleep does not have to be all in one stretch - naps also count. Many highly successful people have been known to nap.
Guilt can reduce energy. Self discipline, energy and guilt at tied together for most people. Giving yourself permission to not be perfectly disciplined all the time can reduce guilt and increase energy.
Track your energy and compare it to your self discipline level and you will find there is a link. Work on energy levels to improve self discipline.

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