Creating Your Own Happiness (or Unhappiness)


You've probably heard that happiness is an inside job. Of course that the outside conditions sometimes can make us happy, but unless you learn how to create and master your own inner state of happiness, you will be pulled and stretched out in many different directions by whatever comes your way.
I've come to know that being unhappy is unnecessary and waste of life. It was a journey that made me realize that happiness isn't "jumping of the walls" 100% of the time. It means feeling content, at ease, abundant and happy overall experiencing twists of exhilaration, unspeakable joy, love and adventure.
I'm here to remind and invite you that you can create your own happiness today and every day. The best part is that the better it gets, the better it gets. By generating and creating happiness deliberately on the inside, you will attract into your life so much more to be happy about by the powerful Law of Attraction.
So many people spend their whole life waiting for something (or someone) outside of them to make them happy, while in the meantime wasting their precious now moments to complain, criticize and justify why life isn't working out for them. Little they know that by doing that they attract and recreate more of the same.
You are creating your own happiness (or unhappiness) in each waking moment of each and every day of your life. Consciously and deliberately, or by default. Either way, you're focusing your attention, thinking thoughts and entertaining feelings. It's all creating results. It's all creating happiness or unhappiness.

How to create your own happiness today:
Decide and intend.
Simply decide and set the intention to be happy no matter what is happening around you - especially what others are doing or not doing. Your vibration will instantly raise and you will feel the shift in your energy. Let it be your # 1 goal to look for things that make you happy throughout the day; things you love seeing, listening, doing, etc.
Acknowledge and amplify.
It takes less than 20 seconds of interrupted thought for the Law of Attraction to start creating momentum and bring you more of whatever you've focused your attention upon. Acknowledge the good feelings you've generated by deciding and setting the intention to be happy. Allow the good feeling momentum to build by simply acknowledging the shift in your energy.
Breathe and relax.
Take a few deep and cleansing breaths in and slowly let them out. Let your body relax and feel at ease.
Notice and follow. 
Ideas and impulses will come to you that if you follow them will take your day in the wanted direction. Notice and follow them. This is the guidance that comes from your higher and true self when you allow yourself to feel good and relax.

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