Why Great Leaders Focus On HEALING?
Perhaps because of the hatred, divisiveness, and polarization
occurring during the present election cycle, I've decided that now,
maybe more than ever, it is important to emphasize that a true,
potentially great leader, always focuses on empathy and HEALING, rather
than trying to pit one part of one's constituency against the other.
Historically, when there is significantly more negativism than
positivism, organizations suffer, and rather than improving or enhancing
the group, the end-result is generally hurting the sustainability of
the organization. True leaders realize they must unite the various
factions, and be empathetic, in nature. Those who listen effectively,
address needs, priorities and concerns, and seek solutions (rather than
being hung-up on problems), enhance their potential.
1. Head/heart: Over-relying
on either one's logical or emotional side, generally skews a leader's
perspective. When this head/heart balance is not employed, organizations
will generally suffer, in the long run! True leaders take training
seriously, transform it to relevant, focused learning, prioritize
empathy by beginning with effective listening, and balancing their
emotions, with their logical components.
2. Empathy; enrich; endear: Do
you know the difference between being empathetic, versus merely
sympathetic? Sympathy is feeling sorry for someone, while empathy means
maintaining the ability to conceive and perceive things, from the
perspective of those one serves. If you decide you wish to lead, your
priority must consistently be, to endear yourself, not just by your
words/rhetoric, but rather by the quality and meaningfulness, of your
actions and ideas. When a leader does this, he begins to endear himself
with those he serves, because he leads by example!
3. Attitude; attention: If
you want to heal the wounds of others, you must proceed with a truly
positive attitude! This means looking for solutions to challenges,
rather than fearing what you might perceive as problems. Pay attention
to the needs, priorities and concerns of those you serve!
4. Listen; learn: It
takes more than merely hearing what's being said, but rather one must
listen effectively, with the intent of being a solution-creator! Learn
from every instance, experience and scenario, and you will become a
wiser leader.
5. Ideas; ideology; integrity: Will
you introduce relevant, quality ideas, rather than merely relying on
the same-old, same-old? Is your ideology based on a vibrant, vital
vision, which focuses on the best interests of your group, and
stakeholders? Do you understand you must consistently maintain your
absolute integrity?
6. Needs-oriented: Base your leadership on the needs, concerns and priorities, of those you serve!
7. Generate goodwill: Is
your approach to seek a meeting of the minds, or to divide and be
adversarial? Will you respectfully disagree, or insult those who do not
share your ideas or approaches? Great leaders always attempt to generate
goodwill, based on their attitudes, and performances!
It's up to you-be a divider or a uniter! However, if you seek to be a great, relevant and sustainable leader, you must focus on HEALING!