How To Become An Effective, STRONG Leader?


What, precisely, does it mean for a leader, to possess meaningful strength, and to learn how to use it, in such a way, to get the best, relevant and sustainable results, which will make a positive difference, that benefits the organization, and its stakeholders? Since this is not about physical power or ability, it truly relates to ethical, moral, meaningful leadership, which makes others better, and focuses on the best way to enhance his group. Unfortunately, like many other descriptions and/or concepts, a leader's strength must be positive and impact others, in a forward-looking, and thinking manner! Let's review, from a mnemonic perspective, how to become an effective, STRONG leader.

1. Sustainable system: If you want to lead, you must address more than just, the immediate needs and concerns, but do so, in a way that is continuously relevant, and leads others forward, in a sustainable way, which uses a vision, to address the organization's mission. What does this mean? Basically, if your group looks merely at the shorter-term, rather than doing so in coordination with the intermediate and longer-term necessities, his group will not get better or improve, nor will it evolve as it must!
2. Timely: We constantly discuss the need to take action, in a definitive, well-planned way, but, it is important to realize, unless one takes action in a timely manner, where he leads the way forward, towards becoming better and more relevant, he will not be a transformative, effective leader. Timely action addresses needs and concerns, when they are most controllable, because, the more one waits, or procrastinates, the issues nearly always are exacerbated.
3. Relevant; reliable; realistic: Focus on issues that make a difference, rather than the petty, less significant ones! What doesn't being a relevant leader really mean? It means focusing on priorities, not your personal ones, but rather those which are most likely to have the largest impact or influence on the group. A great leader must be perceived as being both reliable and realistic, or stakeholders will not listen/pay attention fully, and with an open mind. Being strong means possessing the inner fortitude to pursue the best course, rather than the most convenient and/or easiest.
4. Options; open-minded; opportunities; eyes wide-open: There's always more than one way to proceed. It takes confidence in one's ability and judgment, to make the challenging decisions. Proceed with an open-mind, consider options and alternatives, and use and/or make the best opportunities!
5. Needs-oriented: Far too often, a pseudo-leader merely struts around, using empty rhetoric, and patting himself on the back, but achieving very little of significance or substance. Strong leaders realize and address needs and concerns, in a well-consider, effective way!
6. Generate goodwill; giving; seek greatness: One will only generate goodwill, when he clearly articulate the way, and leads by example, in a strong, effective, efficient manner. Those who prioritize giving back to others, for the mutual benefit, consistency seek greatness, rather than settling for merely good-enough results, and/or performance.

If you go into leadership, lead effectively! Be STRONG and positive, and pursue being the best leader you can possibly be!

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