How to Develop a Constructive Attitude to Problem-Solving


Solving a problem is a restorative measure you often need to take in your career as a woman entrepreneur. However, your attitude to problem-solving may be not be as healthy as you think.
Unconstructive Attitude
Having an unconstructive attitude to problem-solving means that you may be happy to cope with the same familiar problems again and again, since this can become an (unconscious) pastime or help you forget about disconcerting aspects of your life; hence, you never take the essential steps to resolve them. Also, when you need to use your problem-solving skills, you may feel that you've done something wrong and need to make amends for it. What is more, you may not want to avoid confronting the roots of the problem and discovering experiences and vulnerabilities that co-exist with or shaped its formation in the first place. Whatever might be the case, you've developed a response to working through problems which becomes a barrier to overcoming and, in some cases, progress in certain areas.

Objectives and Alternatives
Though the root causes need to be identified, there is often no point wasting your energy on incriminating yourself or criticizing other culprits; it makes much more sense if you focus on the way to move ahead. So you may need to heal, change your mindset, and concentrate on objectives instead of problems, and on alternatives instead of causes. By setting objectives, you commit to positive actions. In the same way, you need to consider the conditions that would be fruitful for realizing your objectives.
Useful Questions to Ask
So some useful questions to ask when you adopt this approach are:
  • What different conditions, outcome, and attitude would improve the present situation?
  • Which actions may be obstacles to that objective?
  • Which useful actions are not performed for realizing that objective? (What resources do I have?)
  • Who is responsible for reaching the objective? Apart from me, are there any other people involved?
  • What is the time schedule that needs to be developed?
Finding the Answers
Answer all these questions clearly and don't skip any of them. List all possibilities that exist and don't narrow down your options without first evaluating all possible answers. With this approach, you are motivated to pursue a desired and achievable objective. There are various alternatives to choose from when the challenge is regarded as a way to accomplish a new objective and not as a way to set things right.
Getting Help
Remember that you don't have to be alone in this process. You may also ask some reliable people to help you answer the questions: associates, members of your team, etc. They can help you see things differently and arrive at a decision more easily. Especially if some people are affected by the course of action to be taken, it is wise to inform them and let them have an active role in the whole process.
So on a scale from one to ten, what would you rate your problem-solving skills?

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