Self Created Inner Deceptives


Almost everyone one of us has our own dreams but very few of us are able to realize them. Although it's too easy to blame the circumstances and things that are totally out of our control for our suffering and misery. But the fact is, there are things within us, which hold us back from realizing our dreams.
It is often noticed that people are more feared about the uncertainty, rather than the possible worst outcome. We are often so stuck in WHAT IF scenario that we didn't even dare took any initiative to try anything out. This is because the uncertainty is far more threatening than the actual outcome. The moment we realize any possible outcome we start working toward it. But it is because of that death trap of what if that might happen or if that might not happen that holds us back. So, if we really want to get out of this trap, we need to realize the fact that moving out and doing is always better than being stuck and doing nothing.
At times, we are held back by our self-created inner fears. We anticipate the worst-case scenario and think about it over and over so that we start believing it to be true. In this case, our power and energy are diverted to things that simply hold us back. These fears are nothing except our self-imaginations. We can only overcome these fears by taking initiative. It's mostly the first step that is most difficult. Because with time we learn things and become strong enough to defeat these fears. These self-created deceptive fears can only be defeated by practical steps taken.
Have you ever seen people who are spending their lives in the same way, even in the same pattern years after years? Yet they are the people who are most desperate to change their lives. But they can't help themselves to do anything that might change their lives. These are the people who are the victims of the comfort zone. It is too hard to leave our comfort zone because it is a routine where we see no failure no defeat. This is just because we are not doing anything new. The comfort zone is simply slow poisoning. It makes us believe that everything is just perfect, so it stops us from doing anything new. But if we fail to change ourselves with time. If we are too afraid to take the risk to do better things. Things that are uncertain and difficult but, which are far more rewarding. We will eventually find ourselves as being stuck at the same point.
I know it's too hard to break this comfort zone, but it's still better to break it rather than allowing it to break us. There are a few simple things that we can do to get out of it eventually. Firstly, think of the things we dream of, things that inspire us. And then surround ourselves with the people who are into this. This might seem useless at first. But trust me with time we will be inspired by them. We will develop enough strength to try things out by our own self.
We have to be sure of the fact that life is too short to be stuck to one place. And at times it's merely the lack of courage rather than the lack of skill that holds us back. Next time if you find yourself being stuck, make sure it's not because of these self-created traps.


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