The SMART Goal Definition (And Why It Can Boost Your Success)


You are fed up.
Because you have been trying to set and reach your goals a gazillion times…
but no matter how HARD you try, you can`t seem to reach them.
Somehow the goal always seems to elude you…
like a red handkerchief  in the hands of a master matador.
When the angry bull is only a few inches away from impaling the handkerchief, the matador makes a quick movement in a split-second…
and suddenly the bull is throwing itself again thin air.
Failing to reach your goal, makes you a bit annoyed.
Nah, who are we kidding?
Let`s be honest…
It pisses you off!
Can you relate?
No worries, I`ve been there too.
When I started to use a proven system for setting and reaching my goals, EVERYTHING CHANGED.
And it can for you too!
Let me reveal the SMART goal definition and how it can boost your success.

The SMART goal definition

It is a method based on the following acronyms:

  • S – specific
  • M – measurable
  • A – attainable
  • R – relevant
  • T – time-based
You might be thinking, “yeah, I get the acronyms, Tor. But how does it apply to the real world?”
Excellent question.
Let`s say that you are on a top secret mission (yeah, I`m a sucker for James Bond movies), and your mission is to transport a package from point A to point B.
You start in a country, let`s say USA (point A) and you are going to travel to another country (point B).

Specific – where are you going?

If you don`t know exactly WHERE you are going, you will probably not reach our destination.

  1. Country – if you know that your final destination is Canada, it won`t help you much at all (it is too generic, and Canada is a very LARGE country
  2. State – if you got the additional information that your destination is Quebec (it still wouldn`t do you much good)
  3. City – if you were told that the City was named Montreal (it`s still not specific enough for you to find the exact destination)
  4. Post Address – If you knew the exact post address, you would be able to arrive at the correct destination, right?
You get the point.
The more SPECIFIC the goal is, the better it is.

Measurable – how far from the destination?

If a goal is not measurable, you will not know how you are doing compared to your goal…
but worst of all, you will NOT know when you have reached it.
Delivering a package of goods to a specific address in Montreal is measurable.
Thanks to the inventions of GPS, you can measure our remaining distance to the final destination.
And when you reach the address, you will know that you have accomplished your goal.

Attainable – is it realistic?

If you think the goal is attainable, you will be motivated to start on the journey…
and more importantly, you will most likely complete your mission (goal).
On the other hand, if you think that the goal is unrealistic, you will never truly be committed to complete the mission.
Because you know deep inside that it`s not a realistic goal.
So why should you even try?
It`s like if you were able to do 10 push ups on a VERY good day, and then you set the goal that you should be able to do 100 push ups in two weeks time.
That`s crazy!
It`s like reaching for the stars, right?

Relevant – will this action bring you closer to the destination?

If the actions you are going to do, don`t bring you any closer to your the goal, it`s counter-productive…
but even worse, it`s a total WASTE of TIME and effort.
Let`s say that you want to lose weight.
If your key activities are to sit in front of the TV watching reruns of bad reality series while eating potato chips and drinking soda, it`s not only waste of time and effort…
it`s DIRECTLY counter-productive…
and will take you FURTHER from your goal, even BEFORE you have started out.
That`s what you can call a bad start.

Time-based – when will you arrive at your destination?

Setting a deadline is important.
The experts say that a goal without a deadline is just a dream.
When are you going to arrive at your destination?
The more specific, the better.
If you are going to arrive on a specific address in Montreal on a certain date to deliver a package to someone, you still have a 24 hours window.
The EXACT time would be of great importance.

How the SMART Goal definition can boost your success

If you DON`T have proven system that you use when you set your goals, you are depending on guesswork and gut feeling.
You might just as well sit in the middle of a green meadow under a rainbow in a meditating position, trying to mentally attract flying unicorns…
it`s just going to happen. But HOW can you boost your chance of success?
By following a PROVEN system.
Have you ever heard about someone building a house without using any type of blueprint?
Most likely not. (If you have, for the sake of your own life, you shouldn`t enter their home.)
Why do people use blueprints to build their house?
Because they want to MAKE SURE that the house is going to look exactly like they have PLANNED.
They DON`T want looking at their new house feel like opening a package on Christmas…
NOT knowing what they are going to get, right?
And neither should you, regarding YOUR GOALS. If you are willing to PLAN building your new house so thoroughly…
WHY shouldn`t you do the same with YOUR LIFE?

Here`s what to do next…

Since I really want you to succeed, I want to do something COOL for you.
I`m giving you my SMART Goal template that I normally only give to my coaching clients.
The template has helped me to reach my goals, over and over again.


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