10 Tips to Attract Prosperity


So how do you attract prosperity? Attracting prosperity sounds so simple, but how do you make it happen? This article offers 10 tips for getting started on your path to attract prosperity into your life.

1) Figure out what you want. Come up with very specific goals and dreams. Do you want to triple your income? Do you want to plan a trip to Jamaica? Spend time
figuring out what exactly you want from life, and set a date for when your goal will be reached.

2) Write down what you want and where you are heading. Write it on an index card and read it in the morning when you get up, and at night just before you go to bed. Remind yourself frequently exactly what you’re working toward.

3) Consciously choose to focus on abundance, not scarcity. The more you look at your bills and see lack, the more that’s exactly what you get. Live in the solution, not the problem. Focus on what you want.

4) Stop negative thinking. Do you think you can’t control the thoughts that pop into your head? Who controls them then? When a negative thought creeps in, choose to replace it with a positive thought. For example, the thought “I can’t do that” comes into your consciousness. Immediately replace it with “I can and I will.”

5) Practice having faith. What you are working toward is a change in your attitude, and change takes practice. Allow yourself the happiness of believing that you are going to get what you want.

6) Visualize yourself living the life that you want. Close your eyes and picture yourself living out your dreams. Spend time every day thinking about the feelings you will have when you have attained your goals. Allow yourself to feel the joy, embrace the peace that will come about when your dreams come true.

7) Express gratitude for all that you already have. No matter how low you have fallen, there are so many people in the world who have less than you do. Look around. Feel the gratitude for the gifts you’ve already been given. Gratitude for what you have is a great way of attracting abundance.

8) Use affirmations to teach yourself to change your thoughts. Say things like “Everything I need I have” or “My dreams are in the process of coming true.” Affirmations are very powerful; they reach us on a subconscious level.

9) Act “as if”. When you try to completely change your approach to life, you will meet with resistance, either from inside yourself or from people who don’t want you to change. When you’re just not feeling like you can pull off your dreams, act as if you are completely full of confidence and faith. You may even start to believe it.

10) Don’t question the process. Many people get in the way of the Universe by questioning how things are unfolding. Sometimes we take detours, but it doesn’t mean we’re not on track, or that we won’t reach our destination. Questioning is often equal to getting in our own way.

The process of attracting prosperity has been in existence for hundreds of years. Many have found the path to prosperity. You can be one of them. 

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