Why You Need To Build A Positive Self-Image


Self image is defined as One's conception of oneself. It's what you think about yourself, your abilities, appearance and who you really are. One of the key things you'll learn as you begin to open yourself up to a new way of thinking, especially when you learn that everything is created first in your mind, is that there's a mental image you have of yourself, which has been like the holding container of the level of success you can enjoy, the money you can manifest and the kind of relationships you can have.

This image is so crucial in the final outcome of the quality of life you will get to experience and while the goal setting, visualizing and cut throat clarity about what you want is important, your self-image stands as the biggest barrier to your success.


Because that image that you currently hold of self is what the laws that govern our well-being and success respond to. It's not about the social mask that you were trained into as a child which is socially appropriate. It's also not about the image you see when you look at the mirror, this is the hidden, inner image that only you know and often don't share with the world.

Part of the beautiful change happening in our world today is that we are now creating livelihoods, careers and businesses that promote the discovery and expressions of our uniqueness and hidden talents which all come from that concept of self that you have. And so this is an invite, if you haven't started yet, to recreate your self-image because I want to tell you, it's not always easy although it is simple, to take a serious look at what you've believed yourself to be.

The truth about who you really are is most likely muted and coated over by false conditioning that you may have picked up throughout your life and if like me, you're serious about gaining self- mastery, don't be too shocked to find out just how small you've been playing relative to how great you could really be.

First of all, understand that you will never be able to out-perform your own concept of self. The kind of thinking patterns, habits, beliefs, patterns of response or reaction that you have are all part of the programming that's running your life and determining your results. This self-image is truly a huge part of that internal set up. If it's not upgraded and deliberately redesigned to match the new way of life and dreams you now wish to achieve, it will keep sabotaging all your hard work and efforts.

Where does self-image come from?

This idea that you hold about yourself comes from the ways you've learned about how the world works, what people think about you, their opinions and what you've been led to believe you are. We receive impressions from the time we stepped into this world from people who always meant well and just tried to protect us the best way they knew how. We also got influenced by things like media, school, friends and other outer channels, all of which shaped our idea of self long before we had any conscious control of our mind (not to mention the pattern that already came in through DNA before birth). So we have a pretty solid structure around the concept of self, but is it really good and in service to our dreams and aspirations?

This creates an ever ongoing inner conversation that for most people is highly detrimental and negative. In fact one of the major negative habits that neuroscience speaks of is that of internal judgment. More people destroy their chance of happiness, love and success through that inner conversation than anything else and although it might appear to you that things on the outside have culminated to lead to your seeming failure or hardship, I guarantee you, the only power at work when it comes to your success and failures in life is to be found within; in that inner world.

This is why even during ancient times when Christ was trying to preach and awaken the people, he emphasised on the great truth that none is to be worked on and changed than self. It must all begin with self. It was the teaching then and it's today the teaching I hope you will carry with you because without a healthy, confident and strong concept of self that reflects the real truth about who you really are, you will never be in a position of true authentic power.

All true empowerment comes from an expanded and enlightened self-image that is positive and in alignment with the law of our being. The success you are working to create will come more effortlessly and last forever if you are working with the right concept of self. You can start telling what your current image is like by looking at the kind of results you normally have as a general rule. But even more telling, is to pause for a moment now and listen to the tone and dialogue that you have within yourself during the day. Listen carefully, what are you telling yourself? What do you really feel about yourself?

Those inner whisperings are always being reflected in your outward world as manifested facts. So why do you really need to build a positive self-image? Because your manifestations and the quality of life will never out-grow that hidden image you hold of yourself.

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