12 Things Mentally Strong People Avoid


1. Surrendering Their Power
Mentally strong people are well aware of their prowess to manage any situation by the way they respond. They know their strength is in knowing their weaknesses. They refuse to give away their power to fully control their actions and emotions.

2. Resisting Change
Change is a part of life and mentally strong people are well aware of this fact. So, instead of resisting change, they go with the flow and take this change as a challenge, a challenge to better them. They make their own opportunities and know how to make the best of every passing moment.

3. Being Hasty in Results
"Haste Makes Waste", a well-known proverb throughout the galaxy, is well acknowledged by mentally strong people. They implement it in their lives. They know, be it a workout plan or starting a business, nothing succeeds over a night. They recognize the fact that expecting immediate results is a task for lunatics. They plan out their work for the long run and celebrate each milestone on the way.

4. Feeling Superior Then Others
Mentally strong people realize the fact that they are not superior to anyone. This world does not owe them anything. They were born equal and will remain equal to others, no matter their heritage or bloodline. They know they`ll have to strive to survive in this world. And they`re prepared to tackle the difficulties and succeed on their merits at every turn of life.

5. Being Worried for Uncontrollable Matters
One thing, mentally strong people have a complete control on, is their attitude towards problems. You won`t see such people complaining about things that don`t matter or situations that are beyond their control, such as bad traffic or whether. Instead they concentrate their time and energy on projects that`ll affect their life in a positive way.

6. Being Worried of Their Image
Ever seen people who go out of their way to please others? Or people who do so just to irritate others? Both are self-centered people who care for nothing except their fake image on the world and people around them. Mentally strong people stay out of such practices. They know when to be kind and affectionate and when to stand up for what`s right.

7. Being Afraid of Time with Themselves
Mentally strong people enjoy good company of other people and also of themselves. They treasure their alone time and use it to reflect on their life choices and plan for a better and brighter future. They know how to benefit from their alone time by putting their efforts in something productive.

8. Being Afraid to Try Again
Some people are too afraid to try again; they just give up after failure. Such is not the case with mentally strong people. They know success and failure go hand in hand. Even the most successful people started from scratch and had to face failures before they got where they are now. Mentally strong people know that they`ll have to try, try again to succeed.

9. Being Jealous
Mentally weak people resent other peoples success. They become jealous and think of ways to turn their success into failure. While mentally strong people do the opposite. They, not only, feel genuinely happy and contended for the succeeding, but also take notes from their success and use them to shape their own path to success.

10. Being Afraid of Taking Risks
A mentally strong person knows his strengths and weaknesses. He knows risks are a must in the path to success. He also knows the extent of risks that he can take. He thoroughly weighs the negative effects of the risk against its benefits while fully assessing the potential outcomes, before taking a step.

11. Living in The Past
Mentally weak people tend to live in their past. They mourn over the past disappointments and how the times have changed. They want to live in the "splendor days" of the past. Mentally strong people, on the other hand, tend to learn from their past failures instead of indulging in them. They use this experience learned to improve their present and forge a better path for their future.

12. Repeating the Same Mistakes
"What is the definition of insanity? It`s doing the same exact thing again and again and expecting different results" ~Albert Einstein Mentally strong people take full responsibility of their past actions. It`s not like they don`t commit mistakes, they do. It`s about how they respond to their mistakes, their attitude towards them. They learn from their mistakes and incorporate this learning experience in their future decisions.

Maryam Nasrullah

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